Beyond Abuse


(Peter Gutwein & Steve Fisher outside parliament house in 2004 when he crossed the floor to vote for a coi)

Share your experience and ideas with the Commission

Victim-survivors, their supporters and other people who wish to provide information directly to a Commissioner can register to attend a session.

Sessions will allow people to speak directly with a Commissioner about their experience and any views they may have about what needs to change to prevent child sexual abuse and improve responses to, and reporting of, abuse in institutional settings.

As the peak Advocacy organisation for survivors of Sexual Abuse in Tasmania, Beyond Abuse are able to support victim/survivors through the process of initially contacting the Commission of Inquiry.

Beyond Abuse are also able to support victim/survivors through subsequent contact they may have with the COI or other authorities such as Tasmania Police and the Department of Public Prosecutions.

Beyond Abuse also have access to  legal advice if victim/survivors find they are in a position where litigation is an option and are able to support clients through that process.

More information on the Commission of Inquiry can be found here;

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